Happy Palm Sunday!

picture credit: internet
Hosanna in the highest!
Jesus’ triumphal entry in the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey’s colt more than 2000 years ago is celebrated as Palm Sunday every year all over the world. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter. The people, on seeing Jesus on the colt, cried out joyfully saying, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” They gave Jesus a kingly welcome to the city. They also spread their cloaks and branches from the fields on the road where Jesus rode. This event is recorded in all 4 gospels in the bible. I’d like to refer to my favourite one which is in the gospel according to luke-19:28-44. 
In a diverse country like India, people of different states celebrate Palm Sunday. It's good to know the different names this day is called. In Tamil Nadu it is 'Kurtholai Pandigai' or 'Njayar', while in Kerala it is called 'Hosanna Njayar'. In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana it is called 'Mattala Adivaram' and in Goa it is called 'Ramacho Aitar'.

Even after 2000 years of his resurrection, his name is exalted in various places in the world. Jesus is the king of kings and is due of all praise and glory and honour. We have to praise him is everything we do. Not just on Palm Sunday or any Sunday but everyday and every moment of our lives. Jesus says in luke-19:40, “I tell you, if they (you) keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Even nature surrenders itself to his command. We are his children; how much more willingly should we magnify his name!

Happy Palm Sunday to you and family!

God bless you!!


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