A very Happy Good Friday to all!

Happy Good Friday! 
Screenshot taken from "The Passion of Christ"

Have you ever wondered why Good Friday is called “Good”?? It’s the day when the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ was crucified. He was betrayed, humiliated, and crowned a crown of thorns. Heavy and dangerous weapons hammered all over his body. He was bruised, pierced and shattered. How then can such a day be ‘Good’?

As a child, I always thought about this. Curious as always, I did my research and found the reason and I’d like to share it with you too.

The answer I found is in the Bible. Isaiah the prophet prophesied about the crucifixion about 750 years before it actually happened [Isaiah 53].  Jesus came into this world to die. He died for each one of us so that through him we may have life to the fullest.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”[ John-3:16]

This day is not at all to mourn because  (A) Jesus died for a purpose: to save;  and (B) Jesus dying does not mean that death has defeated him. In fact, it is through his death we know that death itself cannot hold him. He has defeated death. He is still alive and amidst all of us. So, why mourn for someone who once was dead but now is alive? It’s the day of rejoicing because Good Friday was the day when God made salvation easily accessible for all. This was the day when his master plan to redeem the world was accomplished. He has purchased us from the hands of the evil one with his precious blood!  “How great is the love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!”[1 John- 3:1]

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”[John-1:12]

Jesus is still alive and is willing to come and live in your hearts. He wants to save you from all harm and keep you close to him always. He is the one who says, "I will never leave you." He is the best thing that could happen to anyone- he is greater than our troubles, never forsakes us, loves us unconditionally, knows everything we need- the list goes on and on and on! 
The actual question is, are you ready to receive him in your hearts..?


**There is no record in the Bible of any specific date for Good Friday, Easter, or even Christmas. It is not clear when and what date these events occurred. But, since we cannot deny the fact that Jesus was born, dead or resurrected, we celebrate a day called Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter.**


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