
Showing posts from April, 2020

Banana Cake

Banana Cake In a separate bowl combine: 1 cup flour 1 tbsp Baking powder 1 tsp Soda ½ tsp   Salt and set aside. PS: These are the dry ingredients which you need to add later. In another bowl (the main bowl) Whisk 2 Eggs Add 1 cup sugar (powdered) and mix together Then add in ½ cup butter (room temperature) and blend it together. Add 3 ripe bananas (mashed) Keep blending in every addition of the dry ingredients after which you will add ½ tsp   Vanilla and few walnuts for flavor. butter grease a cake tin. Bake   for 45 min at 180*c              This is my favourite recipe for a banana cake that I always bake. I don’t like to write recipes in a formal manner. My method of recipe writing is almost the sequence of how to bake it. This recipe prepares a half kilograms of banana cake for 5-6 people as an evening snack. Tastes best with tea. Some tips to remember: §   Use roo

Princess of Christ!

Princess of Christ!  -poem by Deial Johnson pic:internet I am a child of Jesus Christ- I’m neither afraid nor ashamed; To give his gift of life to all From heaven to earth he came. He died for me on Calvary’s cross, and saved me from my sins, And even when he died on the cross, it is he who still wins. Death could only bind him, two days and two nights And rising again the third day, he made my burden light! Through this great master plan, I have received redemption, And therefore I believe in Jesus Christ, the finisher and author of salvation.

A very Happy Good Friday to all!

Happy Good Friday!  Screenshot taken from "The Passion of Christ" Have you ever wondered why Good Friday is called “Good”?? It’s the day when the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ was crucified. He was betrayed, humiliated, and crowned a crown of thorns. Heavy and dangerous weapons hammered all over his body. He was bruised, pierced and shattered. How then can such a day be ‘Good’? As a child, I always thought about this. Curious as always, I did my research and found the reason and I’d like to share it with you too. The answer I found is in the Bible. Isaiah the prophet prophesied about the crucifixion about 750 years before it actually happened [Isaiah 53].   Jesus came into this world to die. He died for each one of us so that through him we may have life to the fullest. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”[ John-3:16] This day is not at all to mourn becaus

Happy Palm Sunday!

picture credit: internet Hosanna in the highest! Jesus’ triumphal entry in the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey’s colt more than 2000 years ago is celebrated as Palm Sunday every year all over the world. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter. The people, on seeing Jesus on the colt, cried out joyfully saying, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” They gave Jesus a kingly welcome to the city. They also spread their cloaks and branches from the fields on the road where Jesus rode. This event is recorded in all 4 gospels in the bible. I’d like to refer to my favourite one which is in the gospel according to luke-19:28-44.  In a diverse country like India, people of different states celebrate Palm Sunday. It's good to know the different names this day is called. In Tamil Nadu it is 'Kurtholai Pandigai' or 'Njayar', while in Kerala it is called 'Hosanna Njayar'. In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana it is called &