The Silent Waters...

The Silent Waters...

Poem written by Deial Johnson

picture credit: Sujith;   Location: Kollam, Kerala


Beside the silent waters sit I

And spend my time


Here, the vegetation is rich

And the soil damp from the water

Flowing beside it.


The water is new every day.

It flows from a source that it never sees again

To another unfamiliar locale

Through the same track through which it flows day after day.

It flows slowly, every minute.

To the beautiful rhythm of my soul.


Beside these silent waters sit I

Where my thoughts and the waters flow

In one accord;

Rich, damp thoughts that just cannot be held within.

It should flow too

From within

To explore new limits –

Like the silent waters flowing every day.


  1. Replies
    1. thanx Xena! you're doing a great job too on

  2. Very nice 👌👌...keep it up!


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