Celebrating one year..!

One year of meeting these lovely, chosen and blessed people! 
 (from the left) Ravi, Jaganath, Noah, Gautam, Calvin, Chris, Joel, Sam, Dekee, Deial and Phebe. 

My good sister friends Achi and Aishwariya 

Prince, Mr X, Joshua and Chris. [i dont know mr.x's name..sorry bro]
My dearest brother Naresh

Honestly, I'm not in touch with many of them right now, but I still remember most of their names. I miss them too. Naresh, though you're the last one on the list here, you're not the last in my friends list. I miss being corrected by Aishwariya. My brother in Christ Chris is a very good graphic designer. Catherine(I don't have her picture) was another dear friend of mine during the three days in Hydrabad and she still is. Mr. Ram Babu my ISRO friend, explained to me chandrayan 2's orbit, and the best part: he has touched chandrayan 2 for real! I was so excited to know it but  he seemed to behave like chandrayan was some local groundnut that he grew up eating. Noah was a very dedicated student of mine. The music band was my escape in to the music world (which I love very much) all three nights that I spent there. Chris- the drummer, Joel-the keyboardist, Sam and Gautam-the guitarists, Calvin- the band leader and Phebe, Ravi and Noah- the melodious singers all together created a beautiful rendition. Thankyou all for making my Hyderabad trip a special one. I love you all!! Hope to see all of them again someday. Amen!


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