
Showing posts from June, 2023


May 18, 2023 @ Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu   Finally met another fellow from ecmtc!! This is Yohaan from Maharashtra. He is basically from Kerala, but I speak better malayalam than he. He had come to drop his brother Yeshaya for cmtc, where I was attending. As God willed, he will be for K2.  Yohaan, Yeshaya is more to me than you now k 

The Precious Marble

The Precious Marble  - Deial Johnson  He saw that marble roll into the garbage pile It was his favourite one “He is too busy” the marble thought, But He said, “Come back, my dear child.”   The marble heard and turned around And looked at the other marbles And seeing them all busy She became rather dull.   She turned around again Rolling further into the pile Little did she know, to Him She was the apple of His eye.   “Come back, my precious one” the voice called out again, But to her, even thr idea of turning around Seemed quite insane.   “There’s no one over there looking for me” Thought the little marble, “Maybe I’m meant to be alone - Alone in my shiny bubble.”   But He got up and picked her up, dusted her and kept her close, He said, “You are loved, important, and cared for; Its you I love the most.”   The other marbles then looked around And sought for the missing marble, Then found her beside Him And through her th