
literary criticism isa ty ba

Write an essay of about 500-600 words on Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads William Wordsworth was the founder of the Romantic Period along with his close friend Samuel T. Coleridge. They believed in the ideas of the power of imagination and loved writing about nature. He along with Coleridge wanted a change in the style of poetry-writing and published The Lyrical Ballads in the year 1798 thus, giving birth to the Romantic Age. The Romantic period lasted till 1832 and made poets like Lord Byron, John Keats, P.B. Shelley famous. In Preface to the Lyrical Ballads Wordsworth makes it clear that the ballads were an experiment that he hoped the audience would like. He wanted to know if the common language could be used for poetry and poetic pleasure. In his writings, Wordsworth does not follow the traditional style of poetry writing used by the Neo-classical poets of the time but instead prefers the common day-to-day language of the people. He focused on individual feelings and had a humanitarian

science fiction - isa. ty ba

‘Mark Watney is not the first person to set foot on Mars; yet, we see that he is definitely the first person to be called ‘The Martian.’’ Discuss the titular significance of the novel and connect Andy Weir’s tale of surviving against the odds with one other text of your choice that features similar themes. Mark Watney is the only and the first person to live on Mars He spent an unplanned stay on the planet all alone. Since his residence didn’t support him enough to survive until the Ares 4 crew arrived, he tried a hand with his botany skills and thus manages food with his potato produce. He also handles every technical fault in the Safe Hab like the way he would on earth. None of his colleagues had had this privilege of living on Mars like a guest who wouldn’t go. From all the astronauts ever been on mars, Mark is the only one who got to practice all the theory he learned of the Martian atmosphere, soil, climate and life. Therefore, the title of the novel is justified by calling Mark W

ISA essays..

  Q. Write an essay on Psychoanalysis and the stream of consciousness.  Psychoanalysis is a treatment method that follows the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud to treat mental disorders. He along with his colleague Josef Breuer found that the patients were improving from their disorder when the sources of the ideas and impulses that they experienced were brought to conscious state from the hypnotic state. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and methods were very powerful and it has spread across in various other fields other than psychology. Freud observed that patients shared their thoughts freely without being in a hypnotic state but they hid the painful experiences from the experimenter. Thus, came the technique of free association of ideas which helped him interpret his patients’ dreams. These dreams, slips of the tongue, forgetfulness and other mistakes they made helped him understand the pain they repressed and helped them heal mentally by bringing it in their conscious

ISA; paper:World Literature

Q. Discuss the themes in world literature with reference in the poetry or texts in your syllabus in not more than 1000 words.  World literature as a genre helps us understand new socio-cultural perspectives that has been untouched by the genre that covers the mainstream literature. It refers to the works written in a particular region that is circulated beyond the place of its origin. The themes we came across from the poems in our syllabus were loss/celebration of our identity, love, desire, dullness and misery, war and nature. Each of the poets expressed their pride in being part of a dying community. Judith Wright in her poem Bora Ring is sharing with her readers the fun they had when they got together around the bora ring to celebrate their aboriginal culture. Now that it is gradually diminishing, she is poignant. In Jean Arasanayagam’s poem Two Dead Soldiers, the poet brings up the events of the civil war that took place in Sri Lanka and writes about two dead soldiers on


May 18, 2023 @ Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu   Finally met another fellow from ecmtc!! This is Yohaan from Maharashtra. He is basically from Kerala, but I speak better malayalam than he. He had come to drop his brother Yeshaya for cmtc, where I was attending. As God willed, he will be for K2.  Yohaan, Yeshaya is more to me than you now k 

The Precious Marble

The Precious Marble  - Deial Johnson  He saw that marble roll into the garbage pile It was his favourite one “He is too busy” the marble thought, But He said, “Come back, my dear child.”   The marble heard and turned around And looked at the other marbles And seeing them all busy She became rather dull.   She turned around again Rolling further into the pile Little did she know, to Him She was the apple of His eye.   “Come back, my precious one” the voice called out again, But to her, even thr idea of turning around Seemed quite insane.   “There’s no one over there looking for me” Thought the little marble, “Maybe I’m meant to be alone - Alone in my shiny bubble.”   But He got up and picked her up, dusted her and kept her close, He said, “You are loved, important, and cared for; Its you I love the most.”   The other marbles then looked around And sought for the missing marble, Then found her beside Him And through her th

Strong Feathers

 Strong Feathers -poem by Deial Johnson Don’t you think that The beauty of a bird Depends upon the number of feathers It has? For what beauty does a bald chicken possess? Or what a generation would the peacock beget? Or can the eagle boast about losing half its feathers? No! certainly never!   Feathers are amazing; It’s a blessing and a burden. More the feathers, the prettier it looks And heavier it gets; Weaker the feathers, The more difficult for it to aid in flying; And stronger the feathers, The more capable it is of being light.   Truly, feathers are amazing.